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Preparing Kids for Good Digital Citizenship: 7 ways ALL adults can support kids' online safety and well-being
Every caring adult can take these seven steps to help prepare young people in their lives for a future of online safety and good digital citizenship.
Teen Consent and Boundary Skills
Strong boundary and consent skills help us prevent and solve problems and also strengthen relationships with clearer, more respectful communication – online and in person.
Safety on the Way to School or Other Activities – Guidelines from Kidpower
Safety is not a one-time lesson but an ongoing conversation and process.
Face Bullying With Confidence: 8 Kidpower Skills We Can Use Right Away
Most harm caused by bullying is preventable. Use these 8 skill guides now to practice proven strategies to prevent and stop bullying.
7 Kidpower Strategies for Keeping Your Child Safe
Dive in to learn seven Kidpower strategies you can use to bring greater safety and confidence to your kids.
Visit Kidpower’s international
website for even more resources
Kidpower Workshops
Jump into the community with Kidpower Vermont’s wide offering of workshops.